Tuesday, May 3, 2011

My Actual Travel Boots

You may be asking yourself why I chose the URL "my travel boots". I see no boots?

Well I'm happy you've asked.

I had TWO inspirations for this URL name:

The first: The Bob Dylan song "Boots of Spanish Leather". One of my favorite ballads about trying to decide what to send to a woman back home when you're travelling.  Gentlemen, if you're asking- Leather is always better then that cheap tee-shirt you've picked out.

The second: Meet my boots...

They love the camera

These boots have accompanied me on many a journey to many a country and city. They are not spanish leather, they are Italian. They were purchased in the US in the shoe department at Bloomingdales in NYC, not somewhere more exotic. But the leather has held for half a decade and the russian shoe mocker on my street says "Iz very good leather. Some of zee best I've seen".

I wore them when I lived in Florence in 2007 and they got to return with me to Florence in 2011.

Took my boots to the german market

Took my boots to school 

Took my boots to the Duomo

Stay tuned tomorrow for "Weird Statues from Around the Globe"

1 comment:

  1. I love this post, of the various places your boots have taken you. I love them with the black striped dress....


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